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Importing Flight Plan
Am enjoying the GTN, however, I am trying to import flightplans saved by Littlenavmap into the GTN. I followed directions in manual, but cannot find the import button. I only show two buttons they are Delete all and Delete pending.

Can you please post a screenshot of the contents of this folder:

The flight plan file saved with Littlenavmap has to be GTN format (.gfp) and it should reside exactly in the folder shown above.
(06-03-2021, 09:17 AM)admin Wrote: Hello,

Can you please post a screenshot of the contents of this folder:

The flight plan file saved with Littlenavmap has to be GTN format (.gfp) and it should reside exactly in the folder shown above.

Ok discovered the problem. It wasn’t in the correct format. I switched to simbrief and saved the plan and now it works. Thanks for the help.

Glad that you got it solved, please enjoy the TDS GTNXi.
For those interested, there is also a free gfp converter

which works for me.
For those using Little Nav Map, under File, Multiexport Flightplan Options, you can check to enable gfp and specify C:\ProgramData\TDS\GTNXi\FPL as the gfp destination.
Thanks to both pmb and PacosPete for their advice on flight plan importing in the TDS GTNXi.
(06-05-2021, 10:33 AM)admin Wrote: Thanks to both pmb and PacosPete for their advice on flight plan importing in the TDS GTNXi.

Also it seems like the program reads that folder only at startup, I had to restart to make the import button appear.

That is correct, the folder is only read on startup, we will update the manual accordingly, thank you for posting.

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