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TDS GTNxi not working - is the program dead?

My GTNxi isn't working, is this program still alive?

If you are trying to use it in an aircraft with the G1000 GPS, The new G1000 NXi must not be installed. It won't capture the TOD glide slope. That is my experience. Otherwise the TDSSIM GTN750 appears to work with the TBM and original G36 Bonanza.

The TDSSIM developer seems to have ceased all communications and support for this product.
Hi, Thanks for jumping in.

I try to use just the GTN 650 and 750 in any GA aircraft. (not in a specific avcionocs system).

So it seems whe spend money on something that doesn't work anymore and the developper has vanished......
Where is the support,not working anymore
Hello Ben,

We apologize for the delay, but we have been away on vacation, we have just returned and we will contact you on solving the issues that you are having, do not worry, we will get you back up and running.
(08-14-2021, 01:27 PM)admin Wrote: Hello Ben,

We apologize for the delay, but we have been away on vacation, we have just returned and we will contact you on solving the issues that you are having, do not worry, we will get you back up and running.

Goof stuff,keep up the good job
I think its dead, when developers take vacation without saying something on the forums it says all, Support is not supposed to be absence just because of vacation, so bye TDS, im done.
The developers were a great help to me when I had some installation problems. I just don't understand why they have gone so quiet on the forum and discord ?
It's a great program and still works fine for me.
Maybe they can explain what has happened and if the software is still being developed ?

We are back from vacation, thank you for understanding. The software is no dead at all and it is in development. Unfortunately, as it is now, the MSFS SDK has not changed at all in regards to new/desired features. We are continuously monitoring the SDK for changes. In the meantime, we will have other planned updates for the GTNXi.
P.S.: We have messaged the user that is having problems, but we never heard back from him, so we can't assist him further if we do not receive a reply.

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