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SWS RV-10 with TDS GTNXi support!
SimWorks Studios have released the Van's RV-10 V1.03 for MSFS with TDS GTNXi Support!

We are proud to announce that the RV-10 has full support for the TDS GTNXi in single 650Xi configuration.
The TDS GTNXi is a perfect companion to the SWS RV-10 by providing a state of the art GPS navigator, offering the ability to fly RNAV LPV/Visual Approaches, autopilot coupled vertically and laterally, offering situational awareness, LIVE METAR and IFR capabilities to the aerobatic RV-10!
Both companies have collaborated into making this a seamless integration, offering the best solutions to our customers. The installation of the TDS GTNXi into the SWS RV-10 is done automatically, the RV-10 detects the TDS GTNXi integration and automatically switches from the stock GNS 430 to the GTN650Xi!

The SWS RV-10 has been created with the help of the manufacturer, Van's. It is a fast 4-seat kit aircraft, SWS is offering a state of the art MSFS product that should not be missed from your virtual hangar!
Is there a way to move the GTN to a popout window instead of in the virtual cockpit?  Kinda small.

Yes, you can always use the RIGHT ALT + Left click on the GTNXi LCD screen and it will pop-up.

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