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TDS GTNxi 650 w/Cessna 172 fails to control the gps data
I am having problems getting the TDS GTNxi650 to control MSFS gps data.  It appears that MSFS and TDS  is both controlling gps data inputs and the HSI/CDI needle toggles back and forth.  Anyone having same issue or can provide help is appreciated.  I guess I should ask if the TDS software support this setup.

With the C172, which panel do you have selected, is it the Analog Steam Gauges or WT G1000NXi.
If it is the G1000NXI, this is not possible, as the G1000NXI has its own real GPS, just like in real life. You would never see a G1000 and GTN/GTNXi in the same panel.
Sorry, I should have done a better job explaining my setup
Setup includes:
   MSFS2020 on Windows 11
   Cessna 172 with Garmin 430 and 530
   Air Manager with panel - G5's
   Real Sim Gear GTN650 hardware
   TDS GTNxi 650 not in panel

See attached image

It appear that the TDS and MSFS software is toggling control of the gps data.  So, MSFS is not allowing TDS to control the  data to MSFS system

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Are you able to set a L: var yourself? As in disabling the WT GNS:

This would have to be done when the TDS GTNXI is in control.
Additionally, are you changing the TDS GTNXI navigation source to 650 Unit1 from within the interface?
I have done a little read and this seems to be a little more involved then editing a file.  I'm not sure how to do this, can you explain?
Do you use SPAD? If so, you can set up L: vars from there, or as a test, from within the MSFS Developer Mode/Behavior
I'm new to the environment and don't use SPAD, however, I made the edits in MSFS Developer Mode/Behavior and it disabled the GPS units and the TDS Gtnxi650 worked perfect with horizontal guidance.  I did not see the glide slope show up in the PDF.

Is the TDS software design to set these variable or do I need to set them on each plan I fly and how is that best accomplished?
The TDS GTNXi should set the MSFS default HSI GSI variable, with which aircraft are you encountering this problem? Maybe it is not set up to use the correct and supported variable?
(02-08-2023, 12:46 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: The TDS GTNXi should set the MSFS default HSI GSI variable, with which aircraft are you encountering this problem? Maybe it is not set up to use the correct and supported variable?

All of the above testing has been on the ASOBO c172 Skyhawk with 430 and 530 gps.  I tested the system with an approach that is "RNAV LPV into CMH"  and the G5 do NOT give me a magenta Glide Path Indication.  
Please note that the CDI report the Glide path, however, Air Manager's G5's do not!  I did some research and this may be an Air Manager Issue that has not been fixed but I'm not sure.
Can you explain why I'm not getting the Glide Path?

Also, I tested the setup with the ASOBO c172 Skyhawk G1000 gps and the hsi/cdi was toggling back and forth.  A few questions on this one:
1. I download SPAD and set it up  so I could set those variables as you stated earlier.  It does work very well.
    1a. Should TDS software set these variable for me?
    1b. Before I spend money on SPA, is SPAD the best solution?
2. Do you need to disable the G1000?
     2a. If so what are the variables?
3. I prefer to fly aircraft with the RSG GTNxi650 hardware and is that possible on all aircraft?

At the moment, we do not advise on using the TDS GTNXi with G1000 NXI planes, we do not know of a way of disabling the gauges, except for commenting them from the panel.cfg file. There are no special variables to disable.

In regards to the other questions on SPAD, we recommend joining our Discord and asking this question, as there are a few very experienced users who can provide the answer for you.

In regards to the Air Manager G5, we are not sure of the variable used, we use default MSFS variables, so they must have using NAV1 variables for the glideslope/glidepath, as opposed to HSI or GPS variables, which should be used. If it is possible to modify the G5 or get in touch with the creator, we can work with them.

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