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Extraction error 111
Good morning

yesterday I had a problem running GTNxi and the analog instrumentation that I use from air manager with the Baron G38 (without any type of mod added for this plane).
Today I decided to see what was happening again, when when I opened TDSGTNxi.exe, it has retourned me an error related to a dll file for windows that I had not finished reading correctly. In short, seeing that the problems accumulated I uninstalled GTNxi , however when installing  it again, TDSGPSmanager returned the message "Extraction error:-111", I am completely lost, how can I solve this error to reinstall the program?

All the best

I answer myself

AVAST is to blame of de extraction error

I have uninstalled it and I have been able to load GTNxi perfectly, sorry for the inconvenience

AVAST instead of solving problems seems to create them

I will see if the errors continue between the GPS and air manager

Thanks again
Well yes, I have a conflict that I don't know where to solve

As I told you, when starting GTNxi, the analog needles of the HSi of the G5 go crazy

Instrumentation of Air manager (Garmin 5) + TDS GTNxi using an MSFS aircraft that has G1000, they are incompatible, this did not happen to me until two days ago, I had your  GPS and the Garmin 5 of air manager on the same monitor while using the Baron , but now there is something that makes these two instruments incompatible together, could it be because of update 11 ?

I have this issue only in planes that use G1000, in the rest both work perfectly

I don't know, it seems complicated

As it is now, the TDS GTNXi does not work with WT G1000 NXi, so the issues that you are seeing could be this cause.
Do you also have the WT GNS installed, since there is an incompatibility as well, the solution would be to temporarily uninstall it.
(11-14-2022, 10:33 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,

As it is now, the TDS GTNXi does not work with WT G1000 NXi, so the issues that you are seeing could be this cause.
Do you also have the WT GNS installed, since there is an incompatibility as well, the solution would be to temporarily uninstall it.


I imagined that this could be the cause, thanks for confirming. Is there no way to remove G1000 Nxi from the simulator?

All the best

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