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TDS GTNXi General Questions
First great product!

1.  When on ILS approach can I turn off the white background?

2.  Will the GTN start a decent automatically from the TOD?


We are not sure of the first question, what do you mean by a white background?

The TDS GTNXi and MSFS doe not support proper VNAV (yet), so the VNAV function is pure advisory, as well as the calculated required vertical speed which can be input manually into the autopilot
When I am on the ILS approach the map view turns to a white background similar to the approach plate when I am in range.
Oh, absolutely, that is the chart overlay, which can be easily disabled from the MAP/MENU/Charts
(10-17-2022, 09:40 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Oh, absolutely, that is the chart overlay, which can be easily disabled from the MAP/MENU/Charts

Got it.  Thanks so much.

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