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BSKA King Air analog
Can someone help me please. I have the black square king air 350 and just purchased the TDS GTN 750. I installed the trained and the GTN for flight simulator but when I launch the aircraft the GTN 750 is not on the panel. Is there a switch I need to select to have it?

Yes, for the Black Square KingAir 350, you will need to select the TDS GTNXi from a switch located on the lower right side of the panel (copilot's side), called COMM 1, move it to the right for GTN 750. It may be easier to hide the copilot's yoke.
[Image: unknown.png]
(10-14-2022, 12:48 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: [Image: unknown.png]

You are a saint. Thanks so much. It turned it on but it is a blank white screen so I will work to resolve that issue
Please try updating the KingAir from the JustFlight sales website!
Hello Switty58,

A new version of the KA_analog is available  0.1.1b.exe.

It fixes for me the missing and blank  gauge.


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