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Window Mode…Running Milviz C-310
Good morning,

I’m a new user to this software. I’m currently running this in Windows 11 on Milviz Cessna-310. I’ve got a good install with no problems noted.  The 750 and 650 runs great in VC mode as soon as I load the plane the gtns are there.  However, When trying to get the GTN 750 to run in windowed mode so as to use it in a separate monitor, The TDS application crashes.  One thing I’ve noticed and I’m not sure if this is a problem, the Milviz C-310 (when the TDS NXI) selection is made, uses TWO GTN-750’s. The way I’ve been getting the TDS GTN’s to come up In ‘Windowed’ mode is to start the TDS program BEFORE I start MS Flightsim. The TDS choices only allow you to select ONE 750 and ONE 650, (In windowed mode) so I’m not sure if there is a compatibility issue with Milviz’s plane using TWO 750’s. Anyway, as soon as the plane begins to load, (after I have the 750/650 open in windowed mode) the TDS app crashes.

The other option I’ve tried to use, is the traditional right alt press with mouse click on the glass panels. This hasn’t worked. I get either a black screen, on one of the two displays, OR I get a garmin 530 display on one and the 650 on the other. (Very strange) I really would like to have windowed mode work with the native bezels as I am running Air manager and do not have a msfs compatable 750/650 bezel that works on AM for MSFS.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

In regards to running the TDS GTNXi in standalone mode, this is not possible with the VC integrated mode (yet). Can you confirm that you are able to somehow see both the standalone windows as well as the VC integration at the same time. We are considering adding two 750s to standalone mode in a future version.

At TDS we take crashes very seriously, so we are interesting if you are able to replicate the crashes and if you can please provide us step by step instructions on replacing crashes, via email:

In regards to the traditional right alt+mouse click, we are sorry to hear that you are having problems, unfortunately this is beyond our control as MSFS handles pop-ups. Are you having problems with other pop-ups?
I find the best solution if you intend to use the GTNXi in an external screen is to not use VC integration at all (start the sim without the tds gauge folder in your community folder). That's how I use it with my setup and have no issues whatsoever.

Then again, I also have an external cockpit setup with all my instruments on external touch screens (using Air Manager), so this may not be an ideal solution for you.

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