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Performance Conflict HW Acc GPU Scheduling

Since installing the TDS GTNXi software and the RV 14 combination into MSFS 2020, I have been getting the following message every time I start up the simulator:

"We have detected that Windows Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling is turned ON"  


After removing the TDS GTNXi and RV 14 modules from the Community Folder, this message still comes up.

Is this an issue you plan to fix in the future, if not, how do I remove prevent this error message from returning?

William Clark

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Hello William,

Thank you for your message. In the next version of the TDS GTNXi, we will have a user configuration ini file setting which will disable this error message.
You should not remove any Community Files, as they do not have to do with the error message, as it is generated by the TDS GTNXi EXE file.

However, int he meantime, can you consider turning off Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling for an increase in GTNXi performance?
Thanks for the quick response.

I always thought Windows Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling is turned ON"  is a good thing, as it transfers the task to the hardware, which would be better performance?

If my comment above is true, is this issue going to be fixed in a future update, other than turning off this "GPU" function?

Bill Clark
Hello Bill,

We have seen much better performance with GPU hardware Scheduling turned OFF. You can try this yourself and see how it goes. Please note, any setting change requires a computer reboot.

For the next version, we plan on adding an ini file setting to disable this message box, for the users who want GPU Scheduling ON, while using the TDS GTNXi. While we will not be able to recommend disabling this message box, we place the option to the user.
(04-22-2022, 10:24 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello Bill,

We have seen much better performance with GPU hardware Scheduling turned OFF. You can try this yourself and see how it goes. Please note, any setting change requires a computer reboot.

For the next version, we plan on adding an ini file setting to disable this message box, for the users who want GPU Scheduling ON, while using the TDS GTNXi. While we will not be able to recommend disabling this message box, we place the option to the user.

I understand that for DLSS3 to work on our new RTX-4090s etc, that hardware accelerated GPU scheduling must be enabled.
Will there be any future improvements to fix the performance issues?
Hello, OzzyKym,

Yes, we are working on further performance improvements. In the meantime, can you test the TDS GTNXi with GPU Hardware Acceleration turned on? If performance is good, you can always disable the message box, as outlined in the TDS GTNXi manual.
Thanks for the reply.
I've only done one test where my fps went from 168fps on 4K to less than 70fps.

While I can normally dial my fps down to 60 or even 30fps (to experiment) and still get a smooth ride, the 70fps with the TDS750 in the BlackSquare KingAir 350 was extremely jittery and unflyable as well as frequently going to a black empty screen.

I'm running a Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero with I9-13900K and RTX 4090 so stutters and low frame rates are a thing of the past for me.

DLSS is here to stay for me and it's too much hassle remembering to toggle GPU Hardware Acceleration on and off, but it's sad not to be able to use aircraft with the TDS750 so hopefully, one day things will improve enough for it to be useable again.

Thanks again for your reply and keep up the good work there.

Regards Kym
Hello Kym,

We are not sure of your answer, have you tried running the TDS GTNXi with GPU hardware Scheduling enabled?

It is recommended to cap the MSFS FPS, so a little bit of CPU/GPU resources will be available for the TDS GTNXi as well. In regards to jittery performance, have you applied the antivirus exclusions as described in the Performance Improvement thread?
I'm sorry for any confusion.
Yes, Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling is enabled to run DLSS3.
Yes, also to the antivirus.

I do try FPS limiting via either nVidia Control Panel or MSI Afterburner/RivaTuner Statistics Server.

Thanks again.

If hardware acceleration is enabled, how is performance with the TDS GTNXi?

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