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Cessna 414 N427RC GTN750XI and black screen
Here is my thread over my problems with the TDS GTNXI Flight sim 
I installed the Chessna 414AW in MSFS. With TDSGPS manager I installed the Garmin  Aviation Trainers and the TDS GTNXI Flight sim. After the software was installed I started MSNFS2020. Loading Cessna 414 N427RC GTN750XI and I started the TDS GTNXI Flight sim. TDS GTNXI flight sim was connected and in Gauge mode.

 I replaced de tds-gtnxi-gauge file from the Community folder. After a restart from msds2020 and loading the Cessna 414 N427RC GTN750XI and the TDS GTNXI Flight sim and de sim was connected and not in Gauge mode. I don't use VC.

After starting the Cessna 414 N427RC GTN750XI the plane was ok but the screen was black

Can you help my?

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We are sorry to hear that you are having problems with the TDS GTNXi, we are here to help.

Let's first confirm that the TDS GTNXi works as a standalone with MSFS closed, please start the desktop shortcut and click on the GTN750Xi button, do you see the GTNXi LCD screen working?

Additionally, do you run FRAPS?
(04-19-2022, 10:26 PM)admin Wrote: Hello,
We are sorry to hear that you are having problems with the TDS GTNXi, we are here to help.

Let's first confirm that the TDS GTNXi works as a standalone with MSFS closed, please start the desktop shortcut and click on the GTN750Xi button, do you see the GTNXi LCD screen working?

Additionally, do you run FRAPS?

Thans for your reply

when i startup the shortcut and press the GTN750Xi button the LCD screen opens with a dark screen.
Yes as you can see i use FRAPS.



(04-19-2022, 10:26 PM)admin Wrote: Hello,
We are sorry to hear that you are having problems with the TDS GTNXi, we are here to help.

Let's first confirm that the TDS GTNXi works as a standalone with MSFS closed, please start the desktop shortcut and click on the GTN750Xi button, do you see the GTNXi LCD screen working?

Additionally, do you run FRAPS?

After your reply I uninstalled FRAPS and started the shortcut. Now my screen was working on the extra screen. When i start MSFS the displays in the Cessna 414 ar not working. So we made a big stap ahead. 
Do jou know what is wrong with my settings?

I forgot to place te files back to the community folder. After replacing them the screens are working in the Cessna 414! 

Thanks for your help.

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We are glad that you got the problem solved, we will look into FRAPS in the future, to see if we can possibly do something in order to mitigate the black screen errors.
(04-20-2022, 10:12 PM)admin Wrote: Hello,

We are glad that you got the problem solved, we will look into FRAPS in the future, to see if we can possibly do something in order to mitigate the black screen errors.

Thanks  Smile

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