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GTN650: Accessing NAV2 without bezel
Quick question:
Is it somehow possible to access the NAV2 frequency in the GTN650 in standalone mode with the bezel disabled?
I noticed that the middle mouse button on the knob of the bezel brings up the NAV2, but there seems to be no way to switch from COM2 to NAV2 without it.

I guess that's how the real unit operates, but maybe there is some way to do it otherwise?

Of course I can select a waypoint info on the unit and then by tapping the frequency I can set it to active, but setting it to standby I still need to access NAV2 to switch active and standby later. Also manual input of a frequency isn't possible this way.
Opposed to the real world, NAV2 is even more important than COM2, so it's a pity that the GTN650 defaults to COM2.

The bezel takes a lot of screen which I'd like to avoid, so if there was some kind of hidden clickspot etc., that'd be great.

Indeed, you have a very valid question, it is not how the real world unit operates, since you would need a bezel to operate it. We will consider adding some special functionality in order to accommodate this, in a future version of the TDS GTNXi.
Thank you! Smile
Maybe a long press on the COM2 Standby Frequency could switch to NAV2, not sure if you can capture this event.
The middle mouse button is anyway out for me since I'm using a touch interface and having the middle mouse button doesn't work there.

And speaking of the bezel: The hidden clickspot on the bezel to switch between the autopilot sources, maybe this small white element could change color depending on which unit is active? In case of switching between them, one always needs to bring up the TDS window, and if I accidentally click it, I do not get any info that I switched it and will wonder why the autopilot doesn't follow my FP.

Both of these are not critical, but nice to haves Smile
Thank you for your advice, we will definitely keep this in mind.
As far as the middle mouse button for changing to NAV2, we have an invisible clickspot which is located to the left of the knob, as can be clicked with the left mouse button!
I second this suggestion to provide a touch mechanism to switch between nav and com without a bezel.  The bezel takes up a lot of real estate on my small touchscreen and is rarely needed. The unit works and looks good overall.
Thank you, we are analyzing adding keyboard commands for all GTNXi events in a future version.
(05-10-2022, 08:08 AM)admin Wrote: Thank you, we are analyzing adding keyboard commands for all GTNXi events in a future version.

Keyboard commands would be great.

And using sim variables? I have not tested but is this already working? something similar as rxpgtn750 y p3d days?
Keyboard commands are fine but sim vars are better option for cockpit builders, because you don't need to have the standalone window in focus.

I think that we would approach this using the Simconnect layer, using events, so the communication would be done via MSFS.
Anxious to see the events being shared!
Is there an H: event for this hidden function? I don't remember seeing one in the list you had given me back when I made the GTNXi bezels for Air Manager. I'd like to add it if possible.

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