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Disable Audio/XPDR panel?
Hi, just bought this and it works great to replace my "old one".
However one thing it seems not able do compare to the old one is it can't disable Audio Panel and XPDR panel (for both 750 and 725). which can free up 6 user fields for GPS if I already have other audio and xpdr panel in the cockpit.
According to Garmin's menu it requires GMA LRU to have these panel. but in System-External LRUs page, there is no GMA connected.
The "old one" could enable/disable them easily in setting menu, or in it's ini file, use "UseTransponder = false UseAudioPanel = false" to change.
Is there anyway to change it for now? if not, if there is any plan to add this function in the future? thanks!

Thank you for your feature request. At this moment it is not possible, we are looking into these features now, as well as in which environment to integrate this(Professional/Consumer)

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