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Excellent New User Experience - X-Trident CH-47D Chinook
I just discovered TDS GTNXi via the PilotEdge Discord server. I want to say that my new user experience with the GTNXi (750) has been virtually perfect. I fly the X-Trident CH-47 Chinook. For years I've been using RealityXP GTN, mostly for ease of operating the radios. I hate changing rotary frequency knobs with the mouse. Eventually I got really into it for navigation and operating IFR within the PilotEdge ATC system. On top of that, I also may use the CIVA Inertial Nav as a working substitute for the Doppler nav that the real D model has.  To make all of this work in the Chinook, I had to write a FlyWithLUA script that "fixes" some stuff, and even then, it had quirks. 

Well, I installed TDS GTNXi a few days ago. 100% successful, and so easy. I already subscribe to Navigraph (not the charts, I have ForeFlight for that). 

Then I started to work with it. I discovered that my RXP script was messing with the HSI. I disabled it. Now, with no band-aids the GTNXi works almost flawlessly. The HSI GPS/DOP mode shows the GPS current leg info, regardless of the CDI mode being GPS or VLOC. In fact, now I can switch the HSI back and forth between VORTAC and GPS with its mode buttons, leaving the TDS unit in VORLOC. So it's possible to have either the GPS Leg, or the VORTAC, or the TACAN, instantly selectable. All of this with no helper script. The only thing I needed to do was implement the auto-slew of the CRS selector when GPS/DOP mode is selected on the HSI. This turned out to be trivial to script.

I could not be happier.
CH-47D X-Plane

Thank you for your kind words, we are glad to hear that you like the TDS GTNXi XPlane! Please enjoy the newly purchased product!

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