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Mouse scroll wheel integration

Thank you for the feedback, unfortunately we were unable to get the Mouse wheel events to work with WASM gauges, they exist in the SDK, but they never seemed to work on our side, it must be the MSFS core engine that does not support them. We agree with you, they would add to the immersion.

It is certainly possible to create user waypoints when in MAP mode When you are in PAN MODE, click on the map in an empty place and the MAP Pointer will say Create Waypoint.
When in the Graphics FPL modification function, this is not possible, as it has been designed to drag (rubber band) the flight plan to other existing waypoints. This is the behavior that real world poilts would encounter in real units, so our simulation matches the real world unit 100%.

Messages In This Thread
Mouse scroll wheel integration - by ezwingman - 02-20-2022, 09:28 PM
RE: Mouse scroll wheel integration - by adminOwner2 - 02-20-2022, 09:34 PM

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