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Cookbook install into G36 - help please
Is there documentation to help me through this?

1. Disable the WT G1000 NXi  (how?)

2. Disable the PMS GTN750  (I can do this via the Addons Linker)

3. Add TDS gtnxi g36 mod  (assume to Community folder)

4. Start up the G36 and find the GTN750 in the MFD  (automatic?)

5. Get access to the GTN buttons/knobs  (pop up a window?)

Hello Bert,

Thank you for pointing this out. We will do our best to update our documentation for G1000 MFD replacement mods, in the meantime, we can use this post for information.

1) The best way to disable the WT G1000 NXi is through the MSFS , Content Manager
2) Only the G36 PMS VC Integration from the Community folder should be disabled, the regular PMS 750 can coexist just fine as long as both the TDS GTNXi and PMS50 are not being used at the same time.
3) Yes, add the TDS GTNXi to the Community folder.
4) Yes, this is done automatically.
5) The Home/DTO keys and the knobs are tied to the G1000 MFD, the DTO is the DTO key on the right and we also feature the Home key which is tied to the MENU key in the G1000 MFD. The FMS Knob can be used in place of the bottom right knob.


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