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TDS GTNXi Crashes

When I start My simulator (MSFS 2020) the TDS GTN splash screen presents itself on the start-up, but then the simulator has completed its start-up, and I load in a plane with the GTN 750 Garmin, the software doesn't show up.  It is just a blank screen.  If I start the TDS GTN from My start menu, and after is launches, it then appears in the simulator.


Once the GTN is active for a few moments, it just stops running.  It doesn't stay active, it doesn't stay in the sys tray, in fact, it completely shuts down.  I hesitate to callit a "CTD" but that is what it seems to be doing.

I can close the simulator and launch the GTN and it does the same thing.  It will go through the licensing process and get to the main screen, and then after a few moments, it will once again, just stop.

I can run the trainer and it runs just fine.  

The versions I have are:

Garmin Flight Trainer:  Installed Version

GTN Xi v20.30

TXi V3.5

and the TDS GTNXi Flight Sim

Any thoughts on this?

Thank you for the detailed information.

Which antivirus are you using?

As a test, please start the TDS GTNXi with MSFS closed and click on the GTN750Xi button, does the application CTD after leaving it on?
(03-24-2023, 09:36 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,

Thank you for the detailed information.

Which antivirus are you using?

As a test, please start the TDS GTNXi with MSFS closed and click on the GTN750Xi button, does the application CTD after leaving it on?

Yes, it does.  

I use Webroot Secure Anywhere as an antivirus.  I have permitted the TDS Garmin to work through the firewall, but I did have to go back and move it out quarentine.
It seems that webroot is the cause, we have had one more customer with this issue recently. Can you please re-run a test by adding exclusions for both:

Additionally, can you please re-run a test with webroot completely disabled?
(03-25-2023, 01:08 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: It seems that webroot is the cause, we have had one more customer with this issue recently. Can you please re-run a test by adding exclusions for both:

Additionally, can you please re-run a test with webroot completely disabled?

Where do I locate the file " gtn_simulator.exe " ??

I cannot find it anywhere.

I completely disabled My webroot, and I still have the same issue with the software just shutting down.

Can you please contact us via email at:

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