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Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-22-2025, 10:49 AM
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Blank Screen
Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-21-2025, 10:46 AM
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» Views: 149
Disable Audio/XPDR panel?
Forum: TDS GTNXi XPlane
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-20-2025, 05:31 PM
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Exceeded Maximum Number o...
Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-20-2025, 08:29 AM
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Screen brightness
Forum: TDS GTNXi XPlane
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-17-2025, 11:17 AM
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Question about TCAS behav...
Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-15-2025, 04:02 PM
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» Views: 607
Excellent New User Experi...
Forum: TDS GTNXi XPlane
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-15-2025, 01:17 PM
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» Views: 82
Obscure change in behavio...
Forum: TDS GTNXi XPlane
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-15-2025, 01:11 PM
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| blank screens on ...
Forum: TDS GTNXi XPlane
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-15-2025, 12:58 PM
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» Views: 104
TDS GTNXi XPlane V1.0.0.2...
Forum: TDS GTNXi XPlane
Last Post: adminOwner2
03-14-2025, 03:16 PM
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» Views: 333
Blank Screen |
Posted by: LowTrain - 03-19-2025, 06:44 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator
- Replies (5)
About 2 weeks ago, my TDS GTNXi Pro stopped working. I've re-installed several times, but it will not power on in the sim (FS2024). The desktop version works fine. I don't know what else to do. It has been working fine for years (FS2020 through FS2024).
Obscure change in behavior |
Posted by: Dakota - 03-15-2025, 03:55 AM - Forum: TDS GTNXi XPlane
- Replies (1)
I have been depending on sim/cockpit/radios/gps_course_degtm to change immediately on a leg change in the GTN, including direct-to or flight plan, and regardless of the CDI mode (VLOC or GPS). In, now if the GTN is in VLOC, changing GPS leg does not update the DTK in sim/cockpit/radios/gps_course_degtm until the CDI button is twigged to GPS then back to VLOC. Until you twig it, sim/cockpit/radios/gps_course_degtm retains the previous leg's DTK. Is this what you intended for the fix "Incorrectly setting the NAV OBS Datarefs when in VLOC mode" in the release notes?
However sim/cockpit/radios/gps_dir_degt is updated immediately. I was able to read this, add the magvar, and thus get the magnetic DTK that way. It seems like sim/cockpit/radios/gps_course_degtm should always indicate the DTK of the current leg, or 0 if no leg. Or maybe this is what you intended for "Incorrectly setting the NAV OBS Datarefs when in VLOC mode" in the release notes?
I just thought you'd like to know. I know this is an obscure problem! If you discover that this was unintended part of the fixes for, please include that in the next release notes so I can undo my hack in code. Thanks.
As you can see from my earlier post today, I am very impressed with TDS GTNXi!!!
| blank screens on GTNs - Solved |
Posted by: Dakota - 03-15-2025, 03:43 AM - Forum: TDS GTNXi XPlane
- Replies (1)
I applied the update this afternoon, and upon restarting I was greeted with empty black screens on the GTNs. Nothing else changed, I had been flying just minutes before.
Solution: Go to your ...X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins folder and you'll now see two similar sub-folders: TDS-GTNXi with an older date and TDSGTNXi with today's date or when you updated to The later one is correct, and the TDS-GTNXi (with the hyphen) is a fossil from the older version. Delete it, leaving only the TDSGTNXi folder. Stop and restart X-Plane. You should now see the normal startup screen in the two GTN units.
After doing this I had a problem where as soon as clicked Continue, the #1 unit started flashing between screens and would not start up. I was able to start the #2 unit normally. Then I killed X-Plane again and restarted. This time both units started normally and as far as I can tell all is OK.
Excellent New User Experience - X-Trident CH-47D Chinook |
Posted by: Dakota - 03-14-2025, 11:08 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi XPlane
- Replies (1)
I just discovered TDS GTNXi via the PilotEdge Discord server. I want to say that my new user experience with the GTNXi (750) has been virtually perfect. I fly the X-Trident CH-47 Chinook. For years I've been using RealityXP GTN, mostly for ease of operating the radios. I hate changing rotary frequency knobs with the mouse. Eventually I got really into it for navigation and operating IFR within the PilotEdge ATC system. On top of that, I also may use the CIVA Inertial Nav as a working substitute for the Doppler nav that the real D model has. To make all of this work in the Chinook, I had to write a FlyWithLUA script that "fixes" some stuff, and even then, it had quirks.
Well, I installed TDS GTNXi a few days ago. 100% successful, and so easy. I already subscribe to Navigraph (not the charts, I have ForeFlight for that).
Then I started to work with it. I discovered that my RXP script was messing with the HSI. I disabled it. Now, with no band-aids the GTNXi works almost flawlessly. The HSI GPS/DOP mode shows the GPS current leg info, regardless of the CDI mode being GPS or VLOC. In fact, now I can switch the HSI back and forth between VORTAC and GPS with its mode buttons, leaving the TDS unit in VORLOC. So it's possible to have either the GPS Leg, or the VORTAC, or the TACAN, instantly selectable. All of this with no helper script. The only thing I needed to do was implement the auto-slew of the CRS selector when GPS/DOP mode is selected on the HSI. This turned out to be trivial to script.
I could not be happier.
Cant reinstall trainer |
Posted by: ausmo - 03-13-2025, 04:55 AM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator
- Replies (1)
Hi, there is not trace of the trainer left on my PC nothing in ADD/REMOVE and everywhere else, yet trying to reinstall the Trainer I get the box saying it's installed and to use add/remove.
Thank you.
maximum number of installations |
Posted by: usul - 03-11-2025, 11:03 AM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator
- Replies (1)
Thank you for this very good software that I bought in 2022. Today, I have a small problem.
The software tells me that I have exceeded the maximum number of installations. This is true since I have reinstalled windows11 and changed PC.
In FS2020 (I haven't switched to 2024 yet), the GTN 750 or 650 is not displayed.
Can you help me solve this problem?
Thanks in advance