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Saw some treads on this forum regarding support for Navigraph charts in TDS GTNxi, but no answers if it is in the works?
In my opinion TDS GTNxi is far the best option for an GTN750/650 in MSFS, but the lack of updated charts for the world is a big let down, and here the PMS option is far ahead.
I know the PMS option is not a "real" Garmin GTN but the Navigraph charts feature is top noth, and far ahead of the TDS option at this point.
I know that you wont promise us anything, but is this subject being worked on in any way?
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Thank you for your feature request and question. We tend to take features in an organized manner, but we are unable to publicly commit to anything, only to disappoint users by not being able to deliver, hence why we prefer not to promise anything. Thank you for understanding us and please be assured that all customer requests are being taken into consideration by us.
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(11-27-2022, 07:08 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,
Thank you for your feature request and question. We tend to take features in an organized manner, but we are unable to publicly commit to anything, only to disappoint users by not being able to deliver, hence why we prefer not to promise anything. Thank you for understanding us and please be assured that all customer requests are being taken into consideration by us.
I know this is several years old thread, but when i searh your forums the Navigraph integration is requested many times (it seems like the most requested feature in this forum), and i know that you allways reply the same, "you cant promise anything, but have taken a note off the request".
Several years have now passed since you launced TDS GTNxi, and still no sign off any plans to integrate Navigraph database, this is very sad.
We only have an 1 year old database awailable and only with US maps, very sad to be flying with a gtnxi in eg. europe or else where.
It would be much apreciated by myself and i guees the rest of your community who requested this feature, if you just could give a sign if this in any way are possible and if youre considereing this at all  ?
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We totally understand the request for Navigraph Navigation Database and Navigraph Charts inside the TDS GTNXi, this is a valid request
Before moving further, we would like to clarify this to our customers: the TDS GTNXi does not provide only USA maps, this is an inaccurate statement, we provide WORLDWIDE navigation data, as well as basemap (roads, rivers, railways), terrain, SafeTaxi (worlwide, just like in the real unit), airspaces, big bodies of what. The only item that is not worldwide are the Navigation Charts which are North America (including Canada/parts of Central America).
The TDS GTNXi can be correctly flown in Europe as we do have European airports, runways, procedures (SID/STAR/Approaches), waypoints, NDBs/VORs, just like a real GTNXi unit would have, so if it can be flown in a real plane, it can be flown in the GTNXi as well. For the potential European customers, we can point them to installing the PC Trainer before purchase so they can get to test the database and take an informed decision.
Regardless of what has been said above, we are not ruling out any feature for the TDS GTNXi. We are not in the position to promise anything on these Navigraph features at this time, for a very obvious reason: we would make a false promise if we fail at developing them due to technical difficulties not depending on us. The features are extensive in design, as they have to on part to GTNXi standards.
As stated above, we do care about our customers and the feature requests that matter the most to our customers. Thank you for voicing your requests.
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Me too,I would like to display Navigraph Charts of all airports in TDS GTNXi.
Wouldn't it be possible if Navigraph or TDS created a plug-in?
It seems that a plugin already exists for PMS50.
Is it an issue with the contract with Navigraph?
Please make it available in the next update.
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(01-22-2024, 01:20 PM)falcon50 Wrote: Hello,
Me too,I would like to display Navigraph Charts of all airports in TDS GTNXi.
Wouldn't it be possible if Navigraph or TDS created a plug-in?
It seems that a plugin already exists for PMS50.
Is it an issue with the contract with Navigraph?
Please make it available in the next update.
The TDS GTNXi is much more complex than a plug-in which can be added, like the MSFS JavaScript gauges. The TDS GTNXi is the actual software running in flight simulator, because of this, the difficulty of a correct and proper Navigraph Chart integration is exponentially higher. Please note that the TDS GTNXi is the only known MSFS add-on to allow overlay charts on the map display.
We strive highly to create accurate representations of features and not to dumb them down, as we think that the quality of the TDS GTNXi should represent the real GTN Xi unit in all aspects, as well as offer the best possible simulation to our customers.
We fully understand the desire of Navigraph Charts and we have made a note of your request.
Best regards.