MSFS got blown up and I had to reinstall.
After reinstall, the Community folder was totally blown out so everything had to be reinstalled there. Now time for the TDS GTN50xi; the trainer installed fine from the Manager (ran as Administrator) however, it refuses to reinstall the TDS GTNxi and goes to 'not responding' in Windows 10 Task Manager [EDIT] when attempting to exit Manager by 'X'ing out.. It indicates on the left side of the Manager that is installed (already) however, there should be a file in the Community folder called "tds-gtnxi-gauge" (per a friend) and that does not exist and with the Manager refusing to reinstall, I am up a creek without a GTNxi.
I have deleted the original Manager and downloaded a new one, same results. I have tried to run Reinstall with MSFS running and not running, same results. Numerous system restarts, same results. MSFS is back working perfectly and the "Other brand" GTN50 works perfectly, but:
What do I need to do to get the GTNxi back running with the correct file in the Community folder? Help please.

I have deleted the original Manager and downloaded a new one, same results. I have tried to run Reinstall with MSFS running and not running, same results. Numerous system restarts, same results. MSFS is back working perfectly and the "Other brand" GTN50 works perfectly, but:
What do I need to do to get the GTNxi back running with the correct file in the Community folder? Help please.