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TDS and WT compatability

Since MSFS integrated Working Title as the default gps my TDS setup has broke. (the way I see it atleast)
Previously I ran TDS outside of MSFS and the flight plan I entered in the TDS GTN750 or 650 replicated on the default Garmin 530 (pre WT)
Then I could fly and track a flightplan with for example PMDG dc6 which had the default gps.

Then MSFS changed the default gps to the very beautiful and more complex 530 or 430 by WT.
Now I can no longer via TDS GTN750 control the default MSFS gps and have an aircraft track a flightplan.

Perhaps I missed a step or something changed that I'm not aware of. But I atleast have the latest version of TDS
Could someone enlighten me as to how I can get back to using TDS GTN (outside of MSFS, dont need to be integrated a aircrafts panel, I just run it on a seperate monitor.) to manipulate and follow a flight plan in an aircraft that has the default msfs gps installed.

Sorry for ranting a bit here, I'm a bit tired when writing this post but hope I made my problem understood and that someone can help me.

Thanks! Smile

I just went to the Aircraft config and took TDS out...

This is for VC integrated mode, we are in the final phases of resolving this issue, the integration should be seamless between TDS GTNXi and WT GNS. Which aircraft are you using that are causing problems?

Can you make sure that you have the absolute latest TDS GTNXi by checking the TDS GPS Manager?
(03-01-2023, 09:03 AM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,

This is for VC integrated mode, we are in the final phases of resolving this issue, the integration should be seamless between TDS GTNXi and WT GNS. Which aircraft are you using that are causing problems?

Can you make sure that you have the absolute latest TDS GTNXi by checking the TDS GPS Manager?

Okay good to hear.
Currently i used inibuilds an225. Tried also on pmdg dc6.

I see you just dropped the new update and i,ll download and try that and see what happens!
Downloaded version, same problem.
If I load a flightplanb into the TDS GTNXi, and don't touch the GNS530. I'm getting something that can be described as the VOR/LOC gps needle jumps between the two different gps units a few times every second.

Now I tried default planes like the C172 classic and DA40TDi with analog instruments as well. Same behaviour. Same thing happens in the new Inibuilds an-225.
I don't really care about the VC integration. I want to use teh stand alone GTNXi unit on my second monitor and have the gps signals from that read by the autopilot in msfs.


Most likely you need to be setting some independent L: vars to disable the WT GNS while the TDS GTNXi is running.
We have a discussion in our Discord about this:
(03-01-2023, 10:07 PM)niklaskull Wrote: Downloaded version, same problem.
If I load a flightplanb into the TDS GTNXi, and don't touch the GNS530. I'm getting something that can be described as the VOR/LOC gps needle jumps between the two different gps units a few times every second.

Now I tried default planes like the C172 classic and DA40TDi with analog instruments as well. Same behaviour. Same thing happens in the new Inibuilds an-225.
I don't really care about the VC integration. I want to use teh stand alone GTNXi unit on my second monitor and have the gps signals from that read by the autopilot in msfs.


I have been playing around with LVARs and I'm not sure if its even possible to do in the AN-225. I have XMLVAR_GPS_DISABLED_AS510_1 (LVAV) as an event to change the value to 1 and it does turn off the unit. But the "NAV" mode in the 225 does not want to engage after that even with the TDS open on GPS mode and on a direct to. The altitude selector also seems to get disabled as well.

Maybe if someone else could take a look and see if it's theres even a possible solution for those that want it.

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