Posts: 39
Threads: 19
Joined: Apr 2022
Hi guys,
I maybe asking a silly question...
I can find no instructions on how to get the TDS GTNXi onto my Real Sim Gear unit...
Do I have to undock the unit from the VC, if so how?
Posts: 54
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Joined: Jun 2021
Dave - temporarily move the TDS gtn xi gauge from your Community folder - this will take it out cockpit mode
Posts: 39
Threads: 19
Joined: Apr 2022
Thanks guys...
Once moved out of the community folder, does that then allow me to drag it to my real sim gear unit (Monitor 2)...
I would assume I check the "No window" and "No bezel" in the settings, then drag to my unit? or are then any special mouse/keyboard commands?
Can I then put it back into the community folder?
I have the right command ini file, and changed the pen touch to mouse as per Real Sims Gears guide..
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Joined: May 2017
If you put the folder back in the community folder, you will get the VC Integrated version into aircraft that have VC integration support. The mouse/keyboard commands are not needed for RealSimGear hardware.
Regarding the No Window/No Bezel settings, they are saved between sessions, so we suggest keeping them if you plan on using only the RSG ahrdware.