I tried the same airports ( LEPA to LEIB ) , different aircrafts ( PA28 Turbo and C414 CW and then other stocks like C208 caravan g1000 and c172 with g530 )
And when i filled up all the info on my FPL, With your gtn750xi when Im talking with the stock ATC on MSFS2020, and ask for clearence, they just give me an VFR departure... not my IFR !
I'm suspecting that the stock atc from MSFS2020 thinks that I dont have any FPL entered on my aircraft. And this only happens with your product !
Thank for all of your work anyways !!!
And when i filled up all the info on my FPL, With your gtn750xi when Im talking with the stock ATC on MSFS2020, and ask for clearence, they just give me an VFR departure... not my IFR !
I'm suspecting that the stock atc from MSFS2020 thinks that I dont have any FPL entered on my aircraft. And this only happens with your product !
Thank for all of your work anyways !!!