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Missing airport ENSA
i have problem with GNS 750. There is missing airport ENSA, but in standard Garmin is visible. Can you help me how to fix the problem? Please find attached photoscreen.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards

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Hello Tomas,

We have looked into this and the airport ENSA is not part of the dataset that we are being offered from Navigraph. In this situation, we suggest writing a Navigraph forum bug post on this issue so it can be looked over on their side.

Thank you.
(03-10-2025, 07:29 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello Tomas,

We have looked into this and the airport ENSA is not part of the dataset that we are being offered from Navigraph. In this situation, we suggest writing a Navigraph forum bug post on this issue so it can be looked over on their side.

Thank you.

thank you for quick reply.
I will contact them, but can you explain me why standard Xplane GPS show thi airport? Can I manualy copy database from xplane to GNS750?

The navigation database provided by Navigraph for the TDS GTNXi is specifically created for TDS Sim Software, it is of a file format suitable for our needs, because of this it can not be manually copied between other products.
(03-11-2025, 07:58 AM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,

The navigation database provided by Navigraph for the TDS GTNXi is specifically created for TDS Sim Software, it is of a file format suitable for our needs, because of this it can not be manually copied between other products.

thank you, I understand.

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