Version released 14.03.2021
Bug Fix: Legacy VC setting correct position datarefs for the Rotorsim EC135
Bug Fix: Incorrect TX flag display with xPilot
Bug Fix: Incorrectly setting the NAV OBS Datarefs when in VLOC mode
Bug Fix: Losing focus of main X-Plane 11 window on startup of each GTNXi unit
Version released 27.02.2021
Bug Fix: Legacy VC Menu item not updating radio button
Bug Fix: Resolved Legacy VC CTD with Rotorsim EC135
Bug Fix: Resolved Legacy VC CTD with Leading Edge Simulations Beech C23
Bug Fix: TDS HSI DME Speeed/Tim Datarefs only display past 5kts
Bug Fix: Knob commands triggering too rapidly when using keyboard/joystick controls
Bug Fix: Intermittent CTDs when loading XPlane
New Feature: Settings Window option to disable VOR auto slew (nav obs datarefs)
Version released 21.02.2025
Bug Fix: Legacy VC setting correct position datarefs for the Rotorsim EC135
Bug Fix: Incorrect TX flag display with xPilot
Bug Fix: Incorrectly setting the NAV OBS Datarefs when in VLOC mode
Bug Fix: Losing focus of main X-Plane 11 window on startup of each GTNXi unit
Version released 27.02.2021
Bug Fix: Legacy VC Menu item not updating radio button
Bug Fix: Resolved Legacy VC CTD with Rotorsim EC135
Bug Fix: Resolved Legacy VC CTD with Leading Edge Simulations Beech C23
Bug Fix: TDS HSI DME Speeed/Tim Datarefs only display past 5kts
Bug Fix: Knob commands triggering too rapidly when using keyboard/joystick controls
Bug Fix: Intermittent CTDs when loading XPlane
New Feature: Settings Window option to disable VOR auto slew (nav obs datarefs)
Version released 21.02.2025