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tips for XP11 helicopters namely BELL 412.AND 412EPI
I had a lot of problems installing the TDS software. You have to remove the RXP GTN750 folder in the xp11 main resource plugins file if you have the RXP 750 installed. If you have black screens on your TDS 750 it is probably because your antivirus does not permit the garmin trainer.exe to launch. Go to your document folder on C/ DRIVE and find the tds gnxi log text. It will show the error of the gtn trainer not opening and it will show you the path to were the trainer.exe is .Next step is to give your antivirus an exemption to this trainer .exe and the tds nxi will show up. Sorry if my explanation is not very clear but i hope it can help some one.

Thank you for describing this and for trying to help other users, we appreciate the information that has been provided. Please enjoy the TDS GTNXi XPlane!

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