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CDI Selections on both GTN750/650

MSFS 2020 
Realsim Gear GTN 750
Realsim Gear GTN 650

FlySimWare C414

TDS Sim Operating in Stand Alone mode 

When I select CDI to change the GTN650 to VLOC, it sets the GTN750 to VLOC as well, which is not what I want.

I only want the GTN650 in VLOC and I want the GTN750 in GPS mode.  

Any ideas?

Thank you,
Hello Sal,

At the moment, the CDI selection is linked, due to the original MSFS code only having one CDI event. We will analyze how this can be implemented outside the SDK and if the feature is feasible within MSFS, we will implement it in a future version.

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