09-25-2024, 05:15 PM
Sounds like a similar issue I had recently. I have both RSG GTN 750 & 650 operating TDS GTNXi. While flying in Black Square's Piston Duke a month or so ago, the RSG GTN650 screen all of a sudden went dark. The physical buttons/knobs still interacted with the in-sim TDS 650 screen. And, even though I could not see anything on RSG GTN650 screen, yet its touch screen still interacted with the in-sim TDS screen. I presumed it was a hardware issue and tried changing cables and switching ports to no avail. I finally sent the RSG GTN650 in to RealSimGear for repair. Their testing showed that there was nothing wrong with the unit. When I got the RSG GTN650 back and reconnected everything, the screen was back and has been working ever since. I have no idea what caused the issue, nor how the issue got resolved. I just thought I would share my experience in the event there may be something else going on.