(08-05-2023, 12:02 PM)adminPropriétaire2 Wrote: Hello,
Which aircraft are you using to fly with the TDS GTNXi?
As the TDS GTNXi works fine as a standalone and you see the license page, can you please check the position of the avionics switch to be set to ON? This sometimes happens if you have external hardware from Honeycomb.
Not to worry, we will resolve the problem. Please let us know how it goes.
The aircraft I use for the TDS GTN 750 xi are:
-Milviz 310R
-Carenado C182 RG II
On the Carenado I can see on the tablet screen that allows me to change GPS, the GTN 750XI is installed but when I click to equip it on the C182 RG II impossible to start it, there is always a black screen.
I tried to change my switches assigning on the keyboard, the avionic is on with these switches or by clicking on the cokpit switch.
The GNS 530 vanilla of the plane lights up and works well but when I equip the GTN 750XI it does not light up