(09-21-2022, 06:46 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,
The MSFS SU10 was released on 21SEP2022, the default G1000 navigator is the WT G1000 NXi.
Due to the way that both WT G1000 NXi and TDS GTNXi are coded, they can not both run at the same time. Because of this we have removed the G1000 replacement MFD integrations.
Both the TDS GTNXi as well as the WT G1000 NXi are GPS navigators and in real life they would never co-exist in the same aircraft.
We have initially released the G1000 replacement mods as a solution for VC integration when there was only one VC integrated aircraft add-on available.
The times have changed to our advantage and the list of official VC integrated add-ons has increased tremendously! We thank all aircraft add-on developers who have taken their time to integrate the TDS GTNXi into the VCs of their add-ons.
Just as a heads up, for interest to adminOwner2
Not sure if this is ok, but just to see if the original Beechcraft G36 TDS GTNXI mod might still work.
I moved the MSFS WTg1000nxi mod after su 10 update, to the packages folder, created an alternate community folder then moved the WTg1000nxi to that folder, then disabled it in the MSFS Addon Linker.
Then I re-enabled the TDS GTNXI 750 in the addon linker.
And the TDS GTNxi seemed to work fine, I was surprised.
Not sure if this is ok or not recommended, would be happy to take any corrective action/ advice.