(04-09-2022, 03:17 PM)N420GE Wrote: Good morning all. Brand new user. I am using the GTNXi in the new Flysimware C414. When autopilot is on and I am attempting to increase my altitude, I am only able to increase it by only several hundred feet, maybe a thousand. Then it stops. I need to deactivate then reactivate the altitude button if I want to increase it more.
I have been searching and cant seem to find any other related topics about this. Has anyone else experienced this, or maybe I am just doing something wrong.
I also understand that the 414 is still in Beta, so maybe it's just not working at the moment.
Thanks for listening.
I believe this is correct behavior for the G605 autopilot. Arm the alerter with the target altitude, turn off ALT, climb in VS / ALTS mode.