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Hi, I just upgraded to use the gauge in MSFS 2024.
I have the gauge installed in the A2A Comanche. All was well in MSFS 2020, but now that I have done the upgrade for 2024, I find the screen is too dark. (It is so dark that it is unusable.) I have turned up the backlighting in the gauge to 100%, but it is still way too dark.
Any advice is appreciated.
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Same problem. I installed it into 2024 using the manager The GTNxi screen is so dark I can hardly make it out. I tried a reinstallation but that didn't help.
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Dark screens are a bug of MSFS 2024 and not the actual gauge. This occurs during the day, during the night the screens display correctly.
Some aircraft developers have fixed this issue internally.
For example: A2A have issued a patch for the Comanche which can be found in their Discord.
FSW as well issued a patch for their C414 and LJ35 on the same issue.
We suggest checking the respective Discord channels, applying the patches.
if you are having issues with other add-on aircraft, please specify the aircraft so we can see where to point you for the fix.
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(12-15-2024, 09:11 AM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,
Dark screens are a bug of MSFS 2024 and not the actual gauge. This occurs during the day, during the night the screens display correctly.
Some aircraft developers have fixed this issue internally.
For example: A2A have issued a patch for the Comanche which can be found in their Discord.
FSW as well issued a patch for their C414 and LJ35 on the same issue.
We suggest checking the respective Discord channels, applying the patches.
if you are having issues with other add-on aircraft, please specify the aircraft so we can see where to point you for the fix.
OK. Still having issues with the screen being completely black.
I am using TDS GPS Manager
For MSFS2024, it says I am using Installed Version Executable
Guage 2.0.0
The screen is black for the C414, the A2A Commanche, and all the Carenado aircraft that can use it.
I do not use Discord. I tried using it and it is such a mess to figure out I just gave up. Too much clutter to an stupid old goy like me to figure out.
I guess I'll just stick to the PMS50 GTN750 for now. With all the other MSFS2024 glitches, I don't need this right now. Sorry.
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As we have previously said, the Dark screens are not a TDS issue, but a MSFS 2024 issue, which has been promised to be fixed in a further patch. Unfortunately there is nothing for us to do on our end.
Since the last meessage, FSW have issued a new version of the C414 as well as the LJ35 which should fix this issue, so you will need to update in order to have the dark screens resolved.
A2A have issued a MSFS 2024, that is available on their forum, at the link below:
We try our best to assist from our side, but for some things that do not depend on us, there is nothing that we can do.
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(12-24-2024, 12:08 AM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,
As we have previously said, the Dark screens are not a TDS issue, but a MSFS 2024 issue, which has been promised to be fixed in a further patch. Unfortunately there is nothing for us to do on our end.
Since the last meessage, FSW have issued a new version of the C414 as well as the LJ35 which should fix this issue, so you will need to update in order to have the dark screens resolved.
A2A have issued a MSFS 2024, that is available on their forum, at the link below:
We try our best to assist from our side, but for some things that do not depend on us, there is nothing that we can do.
Very pleased with this response. I have the same dark issue with the PMS50 GTN750 on some of the Carenado planes, and understand it's an Asobo issue. I was not sure it was the same issue since I can see the PMS50 version in the dark, but yours was still black. No problem. I'll wait till Asobo fixes this.
As for the other aircraft (non-Carenado), I'm grateful for the info on how to fix those without using Discord.
Thanks so much!
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Is the TDS GTNXi completely black in MSFS2024, or is it just dark and hard to read?
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12-24-2024, 12:57 AM
(12-24-2024, 12:45 AM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,
Is the TDS GTNXi completely black in MSFS2024, or is it just dark and hard to read?
It's completely black.
Asobo is making troubleshooting difficult: One moment the aircraft is there to test, and then when I restart the sim next time, it's gone. Very frustrating.
I updated the PA-24 with the hotfix, and now it no longer appears in the aircraft list.
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We are sorry of the issues experie4nced with the A2A Cherokee. We would suggest a full uninstall/reinstall.
In regards to the TDS GTNXi, with MSFS closed, please start the TDS GTNXi from the desktop shortcut, then click on the GTN750Xi button, does the screen light up?
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I did unininstall the Comanche and re-install. The same black screen, even at night.
I did run the TDS GTNXi Flight Sim ( and the screen did appear (After Norton tried to block it), but it said TAWS system failure. I assume the TAWS thing was due to not being in the sim. I also opened the second unit (GTN650Xi) and it did work fine, and said TAWS test was successful.
I am more convinced this is an ASOBO issue.
Thanks for all your help.