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TDS GTN750Xi Locks up on Start
My TDS GTN750Xi SOMETIMES (about every third time) freezes on the opening “continue” screen in Black Square’s Bonanza A36 when I start up. I think it did the same in Just Flight’s C182RG.  I am running the latest PC version of the GTN750Xi on Windows 11, not Steam, not XBox. Rebooting the computer seems to be the only thing that works. Until the next time it happens. My GTN750Xi trainer software does boot normally from the desktop. Any way around this?

We are actively looking into this issue. Which antivirus are you using? Have you added the appropriate exclusions?

In the meantime, can you please recycle the avionics switch, in flight and let us know if this restores full TDS GTNXi functionality?
You can always close the TDS GTNXi from the system tray (right side of the clock) and then start it from the desktop shortcut. This is all with MSFS running, in flight.
I do not run any virus software other than Windows Defender. I will check into the other items.
Thank you, we are waiting for your reply.
I tried recycling the avionics switch. No effect. The TDS GTN750Xi still won’t respond to mouse click on CONTINUE. And this was in a Just Flight Cessna 182RG, not just the Black Square Bonanza A36. I will try the system tray trick later tonight.
Thank you, please let us know how it goes.
The TDS GTN750Xi pro froze on spawning with the Carenado 182RG as before. I went into Window mode to the desktop, closed the GTN750 in the tray and restarted from the Garmin desktop app and returned to the sim. The GTN750 started this time, so that worked. But it sure impedes the immersion experience. I hope you can fix this, especially for a $60+ app.

Thank you for letting us know, if you are willing to, please send us an email at: so we can work together in resolving the issue.
(06-07-2024, 01:28 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: hello,

Thank you for letting us know, if you are willing to, please send us an email at: so we can work together in resolving the issue.

I have the same issue. No A/V (except Win default). I have no system tray icon however. I have sent an email.

EDIT: The sys tray icon IS there, I had shut down the sim when I checked earlier. The avionics switches don't change the situation, in fact they do nothing. Terminating the TDS interface in the sys tray and restarting it helps without having the restart the flight session.
(06-20-2024, 04:07 AM)abmis Wrote:
(06-07-2024, 01:28 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: hello,

Thank you for letting us know, if you are willing to, please send us an email at: so we can work together in resolving the issue.

I have the same issue. No A/V (except Win default). I have no system tray icon however. I have sent an email.

EDIT: The sys tray icon IS there, I had shut down the sim when I checked earlier. The avionics switches don't change the situation, in fact they do nothing. Terminating the TDS interface in the sys tray and restarting it helps without having the restart the flight session.


As you have sent us an email, we will follow up this discussion via email, to keep this in one place.

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