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Auto pilot levels off too early at wrong altitude

I am using the TDS GTN750XI in my Flysimware's C414AW CHANCELLOR and the autopilot always levels off at the wrong altitude during climb and descent. Generally levels off approximately 200 before desired alt during climb .

Any suggestions?

Which autopilot mode are you using to climb/descend?
Additionally, which version of the TDS GTNXi are you using?

There is an interim FSW C414 bug fix in the FSW Discord:
(10-21-2023, 08:14 AM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,

Which autopilot mode are you using to climb/descend?
Additionally, which version of the TDS GTNXi are you using?

There is an interim FSW C414 bug fix in the FSW Discord:

I was using IAS with a climb speed of 130 knots for my autopilot mode.

I just downloaded the latest versions of TSD GTNXI Flight Sim and the auto pilot appears to be (need to test some more) leveling off at the proper altitude. The level off could be smoother but I am pleased it is leveling off at the proper altitude .

What is the FSW C414 bug fix for? I couldn't find the posting.

Thank you for your response.

The FSW C414 bug fix is for exactly this issue: leveling off too early.

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