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Latest Working Title GNS530/430 breaks the GTN750
The latest version of the Working Title GNS530/430 for MSFS breaks the GTN750 as they have completely overhauled the gps interface with the sim. According to working title, a work around has been created for 3rd party aircraft by adding a specific L VAR to the xml code. Does TDS have any plans to update the GTN750 and make it compatible with this new code?

The problem has been resolved with the latest TDS GTNXi version and WT GNS 1.0.3, please make sure to update both:
(12-06-2022, 10:21 AM)adminOwner2 Wrote: Hello,

The problem has been resolved with the latest TDS GTNXi version and WT GNS 1.0.3, please make sure to update both:

Bravo for keeping the TDS updated and functional. Really enjoy it in the sim. Keep up the good work.
It seems the Aerosoft Twin Otter conflicts with it as well. TDS GTNxi & WT GNS 1.0.3 and MSFS KAP140. I did not see that included in the list of fixed aircraft unless someone knows a fix.


Unfortunately there is no support for the TDS GTNXi into the Twin Otter. Because of this, the WASM gauge does not get loaded, hence no way of setting the required Working Title L: variables that are used to disable the GNS units.
The only solution for you would be to manually write the L: variables using a saved flight or another method. We are sorry.

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